This section contains all the materials you will need to carry out inspection. The handbook outlines the processes you must follow as an inspector and it contains the grade descriptors that inspectors will use in arriving at their inspection judgements.
The Inspection Handbook Documents .zip file below contains:
The Inspection Template Donwloads .zip file contains all the other documents you will need to download as working documents during inspection, such as evidence forms.
The new handbooks for September 2024 were published at the beginning of September as the September 2024, v3.0 editions. These contained significant updates from the previous editions. These changes are recorded in the change log for v3.0 below. In addition a further v3.1 edition of all handbooks was issued, but the only change was to the definition of safeguarding in the safeguarding policy, following the update of these definitions in Keeping children safe in education. Please make sure you look through both change logs for September to understand what has changed since 2023-2024.
The report templates are not avaiable to inspectors via this download as they are branded for each diocese. Please contact your dicoese to receive the branded report template.
Inspection Template Downloads for Inspectors, September 2024, v3.1 (zip)